The following is a take on “12 Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening”, author unknown.
1. A tendency to let things happen rather than force solutions or impose harmony.
2. ASSIGNMENT: Say what you, mean, mean what you say, but don’t say it mean. Why? Because truth without compassion is cruelty.
2. Frequent spells of smiling.
ASSIGNMENT: Go do something childlike (not to be confused with childish). Skip down the sidewalk and giggle gleefully! Remember, it’s not illegal to be crazy. It’s only illegal to act crazy. Though walking that balancing beam can be fun!
3. Feelings of being connected to nature.
ASSIGNMENT: Maybe find time alone to meditate in the forest, or grab a friend and go for a walk in a park.
4. Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation. If you don’t tell at least three people a day that you love them, you’ve probably wasted a day of your life.
ASSIGNMENT: Go find those three people (pets and plants counts, too)!
5. A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than from fears based on past experience.
ASSIGNMENT: Imagine standing between two mirrors. The mirror on your left represents the past, the one on your right, the future. If you want to change your perception of the past, simply shift your angle of perception. Everything changes!
A Mirrored Egg at a College Campus
6. "An unmistakable ability to appreciate each moment." Of course, there are some moments in life that are less than ‘enjoyable’...but if we can see the good in them, perhaps then we can appreciate them as necessary and helpful. Even pain is beautiful if we see it from a Surrendered Beautiful Mind.
ASSIGNMENT: Look for the good and you’ll find it. "An unmistakable ability to appreciate each moment." There are some moments in life that are less than enjoyable...but if I can see the good in them, I can appreciate them as necessary and helpful.
7. A loss of ability to worry. ASSIGNMENT: If you’re going to worry, why pray? If you’re going to pray, why worry? “The door to hell is [opened only from] the inside.” CS Lewis
You can always tell an Alcoholic, but you can't tell 'em much.
8. A loss of interest in conflict.
ASSIGNMENT: Forgive not because someone deserves forgiveness, but because you deserve peace. “Do not think of knocking out another person's brains because he differs in opinion from you. It would be as rational to knock yourself on the head because you differ from yourself ten years ago.” Horace Mann
9. A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others.
ASSIGNMENT: Relax, God is in Charge.
10. A loss of interest in judging others.
ASSIGNMENT: Although the world seems to be addicted to judgment, don’t get into a pissing contest with a skunk over it! Remember that when you point your finger at someone, you have three fingers pointing back at you. “Judging others is easy because it distracts us from the responsibility of judging ourselves.” Charles F. Glassman
11. A loss of interest in judging self. Selfishness was our problem.
ASSIGNMENT: Give yourself a break. “It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.” ee cummings
12. Gaining the ability to love without expecting anything in return.
ASSIGNMENT: Read & Meditate on: The More Loving One, a poem by WH Auden.
For me, The More Loving One a lofty goal, like asking God to remove every single defect of Character that stands in the way of our usefulness to God and our Fellow.
Assignment: Pass It On.
-Timothy C
2022 RBA Annual Meeting Agenda -7:01pm
1. Serenity, Welcome, State of RBA (speech)
Our president started the meeting with the serenity prayer, then stated the mission and purpose of the Board of Trustees. He noted the number of members in attendance as being 25 which was enough to meet the quorum requirements. RBA had a total of 107 pledging members during the 2021-2022 fiscal year, which was an increase from the previous year. The President stated how our members were happy with the events that took place during the year, and the events planned for the near future, being as these were not held in the previous year due to health concerns. He reminded the members of the parking debt that was extinguished in the past year and thanked us for our generosity. The president discussed the officers who are transitioning off the board and the contributions each made to the club. He then mentioned the remaining agenda items before handing things over to the Secretary.
2. Sec.
The Secretary started by thanking the other officers for their contribution to RBA over the past two years. He reviewed the minutes from the last Annual Meeting as required by the RBA bylaws, which were then approved by the members. The secretary provided an update on website traffic over the past 12 months; had 1,906 visits and 186 online donations totaling $4,004. He also encouraged the members to visit the website to check out The Dry Sheet which is being administered by Timothy C. The Secretary reminded us of the RBA Facebook page and encouraged members to visit this for updates on club events. He informed the members of the bookkeeper transition that happened in January. Will S. moved away from the Bloomington area and Joe R. assumed the bookkeeping duties. The library responsibilities also transitioned from Jim B. to Dana Jo during the year, and this was mentioned to the members.
3. Treas.
The outgoing Treasurer presented additional club updates along with the annual financial statements. He discussed his role in ensuring RBA complied with the laws and regulations to ensure maintenance of our exemption status under IRC 501(c)3. The treasurer mentioned RBA finished the year with net income. He discussed the balance sheet and how much cash the club has in reserves for future events. The Treasurer discussed how funds will be used for events like the upcoming Christmas and Halloween parties. A member asked the board for clarification on the depreciation balance on our financials and was satisfied with our answer. The yearend financials were then approved by the members. The Treasurer closed by reminding members to complete new pledge cards for the 2022-2023 pledge year.
4. Library
Dana Jo, RBA Librarian, provided an update to members. Pamphlets were moved to a new location to make them more visible. Pamphlets will no longer be priced, but members are still encouraged to donate when taking one from the library rack. New books are also available, and members should feel free to reach out to Dana Jo with requests.
5. Maint.
An update was provided on maintenance projects that took place over the past 12 months. Jerry Z. scraped and painted many surfaces in the back of the building, which has improved the appearance of the club significantly. A switch was installed on the pop machine to ensure the compressor noise would not interrupt meetings. Jerry has been monitoring moisture leaks in the ceiling and has made repairs to vents in hopes this will eliminate the issue. Jerry has also been working diligently to keep the drains open and wastewater flowing freely. RBA’s carpets were cleaned this year thanks to the generosity of members from Squad 6G.
6. Old Business
During our previous Annual Meeting, a member requested we install a threshold on the front entrance to ensure safe access for wheelchairs and walkers. This was completed and is appreciated. No additional old business was brough forth by members.
7. New Business
RBA events were discussed such as the upcoming Halloween Party, Thanksgiving Dinner, and Christmas Party. More details will be provided and posted around the club. One member also mentioned the Squad Contribution reports need to be updated with the new P.O. Box for the Southern MN Assembly.
8. Election Results -accepted by acclimation
Steve Price (Wednesday)
Pete Anderson (Sunday Night)
Chaz (Daytime)
Patti (Saturday)
Jerry R (Thursday)
9. Adjourn – Lord’s Prayer – 7:52pm
RBA Board of Trustees Minutes
Monday October 10th, 2022
Meeting Opened at 7:04pm
Opened with the Serenity Prayer and AA Traditions One and Two. Our mission is to manage the property, finances and 501C3 for the RBA.
1. Members Present:
Joe R., Roger B., Bill M., Cherisse K., Jeff S., Norton L., Chaz, Steve P., Jerry F.
2. Building & Maintenance Report (Jerry Z.):
Jerry was unable to attend the meeting, so no maintenance updates were provided.
3. Financial Report:
The financials from September were approved unanimously. No extraordinary expenses were incurred during the month and income was in line with expectations. A summary was provided of the total revenues and expenses from the Annual Picnic; RBA brought in more than enough donations to cover the food and prizes for this event thanks to the generosity of members.
4. Old Business:
The minutes from the September Board Meeting were reviewed and approved. Numerous topics were carried over to the current month’s meeting, and they will be discussed in the New Business section below.
5. New Business:
The President welcomed newly elected board members and provided a summary of board functions. The Secretary requested contact information for the new board and will ensure this is posted in the glass case for members to access. Each of the outgoing officers discussed the duties they have been responsible for, which will assist the new board members in selecting a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer during the November board meeting. The President suggested updating board member term limits to three years, with three board seats to be elected during each annual meeting. This was tabled for future meetings.
Snow removal was discussed. Our regular vendor is not offering services this year, so the board must find a new company to plow and salt our lot. Two bids have been obtained and one more is expected. The board is hoping to engage the same provider as our neighbor if the cost of doing so is reasonable.
Fellowship events were discussed. The Fellowship Committee requested approval to purchase a karaoke machine for the club, and this was approved. The costs of this machine should be recovered through donations from attendees of the upcoming Halloween Party. This event is scheduled for Friday, October 28th at 7:00pm. Squad 6G has been planning the Thanksgiving Dinner, which is scheduled to take place on November 20th at 1:00pm. The Children’s Christmas Party was also discussed, and more information will be available in the future.
The meeting adjourned at 7:57pm with The Lord’s Prayer.